



Our strategy is aligned to profitable growth and sustained value creation. Our specialty chemicals activities address economic megatrends and give us access to attractive future markets. We see especially promising opportunities in resource efficiency, health and nutrition and the globalization. Our chemicals business already generated in 2010 around 80 percent of sales in areas in which it ranks among the market leaders, supported by unique technology platforms. Our strengths include a balanced spectrum of business activities and end-markets, close collaboration with customers, and market-oriented research and development.

         What will tomorrow’s world be like?  What will society need in ten or twenty years time?  Addressing such issues is essential to ensure timely identification of trends and future markets. That’s what Evonik does. We have an idea of the future

Developing ideas to market readiness as quickly as possible is both a challenge and an economic necessity. Ensuring that they offer the maximum benefit for customers and society is at least equally difficult. The best way to achieve these goals is through collaboration. We are convinced that proximity to customers and the joint search for solutions are the keys to success

赢创是一家来自德国的现代工业集团,业务遍及全球。特种化工是我们的核心业务,在全球处于领先地位,我们的产品 广泛应用于从汽车到医药等的众多行业。我们 与客户紧密合作,共同致力于开发度身定制的创新产品和解决方案,从而塑造人们美好的日常生活。此外,赢创也是煤 炭及可再生能源发电领域的专家,同时还是德国最大的私人住宅房地产公司。我们将业务增长与主要增长驱动力及全球大趋势相结合, 即能源效率、健康与营养、全球化科技发展。2010年,赢创集团的34, 000余名员工创造了133亿欧元的销售额。

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